
NZ click on picture!


Will try to post some links here around the general topic from time to time. But really am just a useless old junky. So, keeping this up to date is going to be “interesting”.

forgive the eyebrows, this guy goes deeper than most into the world of mental health <> addiction <> ADhD <> young child parent dynamics.

He seems like a very genuine and interesting character with a lot on offer. I have tried to convince Wellington libraries to purchase all his books – they have a couple of older ones. Fingers crossed. SOMEONE GET BRUCE and GABOR OVER FOR A SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT OR TWO. Canadians and New Zealanders have a bit in common with forward thinking. Pity our Government is so backwards. But that will be fine, Gabor has promised me a revolution. Then we will get funding for alternative treatment models. And I will be employed to do real stuff. Not endless thinking and report writing (I could never do that really anyway) but actual real stuff. I have worked out how to get a revolution too. 5,000 militant (armed), 5,000 fanatics and 90,000 loyalists. Walk into parliament with that and own NZ. You have me to thank.

Some serious texts….

Other Stories Similar to Mine…

The Addictive Nature of Adrenaline Sport – 2008…

Shane McConkey short video links
A group of people I spent my twenties with tried for ever to get things like this working. We didn’t make it then. Twenty years on, here he is! Superb. But somewhat dead. Bummer. People still alive include…….

Revolutionary Ideas in the Making

I am a bit of a late comer here, but my thoughts are valid. Even if they are unintelligible most of the time currently. This may, or may not, improve over the next few months. I hope it does. I really look forward to the day I can print it all out on 250GSM paper and slap Wellington Health Boards “Addiction Services” workers around the head with it. I am waiting on a response from the author of this, Stephen Bamber, to print it out as an appendix, just to give the Addiction DisServices bosses a further sore ear.
Read the first chapter of this (page one in the book is on page 16 of the PDF file)
007 report into housing in the Kapiti coast area which makes sad reading in 2013. Nothing changes. Even though there are answers, nothing seems to change. How many times have we heard that over the last sixty years of capitalist growth? Sickening. Did I mention I am a bit of a designer and builder with some ideas floating around on the hamster wheel upstairs?
Dan Fisher
from the Auckland, New Zealand “Leadership Exchange”. Am still trying to find a video of this power point presentation. Is very interesting. The word flow chart and art on pages 6, 7, 8 could form the basis of my own.
Stuff it – Just have a look through these resources of KITES if you’re capable of not being annoyed by lack of progress. A couple of nice reports, even from 2005, which are still current today. Decades pass and the same issues keep coming. That is the one thing I don’t understand about mental health and addiction. How do these people manage to keep going in their professions releasing excellent research and advice only to be ignored for decades on end. I’d shoot someone. That will fix it.

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